August 31, 2015

User Manual for Samsung Galaxy S5

Lost your Samsung Galaxy S5 mobile phone manual? No matter, download a new one here. The Samsung Galaxy S5 users manual is now available for download at Samsung official website. This Samsung Galaxy S5 users manual is available in PDF file format with 210 pages. The size of this 210-pages Samsung Galaxy S5 users manual PDF file is 11.0 MB. It comes in English. The Samsung Galaxy S5 users manual gives you any references how to operate Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone correctly. Please be sure to read all instructions thoroughly and keep them where they will be read by all who use the product.

1. Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Layout
Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Layout

Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Layout
Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Layout

2. Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Button

Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Button
Samsung Galaxy S5 Device Button

3. How To Installing the SIM or USIM Card and Battery Samsung Galaxy S5
Insert the SIM or USIM card provided by the mobile telephone service provider, and the included battery.
1. Remove the back cover.
2. Insert the SIM or USIM card with the gold-coloured contacts facing downwards.
3. Insert the battery.
4. Replace the back cover.

4. How To Charging the Battery Samsung Galaxy S5
Use the charger to charge the battery before using it for the first time. A computer can be also used to charge the device by connecting them via the USB cable.

  • When the battery power is low, the battery icon appears empty.
  • If the battery is completely discharged, the device cannot be turned on immediately when the charger is connected. Allow a depleted battery to charge for a few minutes before turning on the device.
  • If you use multiple apps at once, network apps, or apps that need a connection to another device, the battery will drain quickly. To avoid disconnecting from the network or losing power during a data transfer, always use these apps after fully charging the battery.

1. Connect the USB cable to the USB power adaptor.
    2. Open the multipurpose jack cover.
      3.  When using a USB cable, plug the USB cable into the right side of the multipurpose jack as shown in the image below.

      This Samsung Galaxy S5 user manual is available for FREE at Samsung website, merely collect the information, we neither affiliated with the author(s), the website and any brand(s) nor responsible for its content and change of content. (Read our disclaimer before you download the document from the website).